[![](https://p24.f4.n0.cdn.getcloudapp.com/items/jkuK7x4R/TD-lockup-standard-64.png?v=1177403d33870d89aa26111aca3d99ea)](https://get.todoist.io/leightonprice1199) ***Exclusive Todoist Ambassador offer - 2 months of Pro for free*** - If you are currently on the free tier of Todoist, or just looking to start out with the app, you can now try the Pro feature set, free for 2 months, via [this link](https://get.todoist.io/14u47qalodyo-perks). The new [calendar layouts](https://todoist.com/help/articles/use-the-calendar-layout-in-todoist-lPHRQTu0o) and [deadlines](https://todoist.com/help/articles/introduction-to-deadlines-uMqbSLM6U) in Todoist are only available to Pro customers, so using this link is a great opportunity to give them a spin! To initiate the trial, click on the link above, and then either sign up or log in to your account. Step by step instructions on how to redeem the discount can be found on the landing page. Also, if you are looking to up your productivity game you may be interested in these excellent services with the following benefits when signing up via the links below. * **[IFTTT](https://ifttt.com/join?referral_code=-5kPF_ljjqLUn8KdX30XdBxUtw7VpNVw)** - Get 10% off the paid tiers. IFTTT works great with Todoist, helping to integrate it with myriad online services * **[Fastmail](https://join.fastmail.com/7d3ec0e4)** - Get 10% off your first year. Secure, reliable email hosting for businesses, families and professionals * **[Workflowy](https://workflowy.com/invite/25752763.lnx)** - Get an extra 250 monthly items free. WorkFlowy is an organisational tool that makes life easier Enjoy! *** ## Shortcuts & Todoist API: Shift a group of tasks together by x number of days Last updated: **15 Jan 2025** Inspired by this [post on r/todoist](https://www.reddit.com/r/todoist/comments/1hyi85q/shift_a_group_of_tasks_together_by_x_number_for/), I wanted to show that, even though some functionality may not be present in Todoist's UI, with API access and a little thought, there's a chance a solution is not completely out of reach. From the post… > We often have projects where we have to move tasks that are dependent on other tasks getting completed first and we have to shift the due dates of all of those. Is there a way to do this all at once - select a bunch of tasks then ask Todoist to move them X number of days relative to their own existing due dates - like move them all up 4 days? The answer is "yes." So, in conjunction with [this Shortcut](https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/aa25ebf7bbe64030867ee5d1acb57997) I assembled… * Add the label `@adjust` to each of the tasks whose dates you'd like to shift. Tasks can be quickly triaged by pressing 'L' on desktop and applying the `@adjust` label or by multi-select. Only non-recurring tasks, with due dates/time are in scope for the Shortcut * It's of course best to use a label for this specific purpose and nothing else * When you've applied your label to all the tasks to be shifted, run the Shortcut, and it will ask you by how many days you'd like to advance the respective due dates for each of your tasks * It will then shift each task's due date by the specified number of days * For easy reference, it will *also add a comment to each shifted task* detailing how many days the task was shifted on by. All comments are time stamped * Finally, it will remove the `@adjust` label from all tasks in your Todoist account I'm no developer, but just by utilising Shortcuts, which ships with every iOS and macOS device, and [Todoist's REST API](https://developer.todoist.com/rest/v2#overview), it goes to show that it may be possible to roll your own Todoist solutions, beyond the UI's capabilities. Your tool to do similar may be Python or Javascript. Feel free to use and adapt the Shortcut as you wish. It's fully documented in the comments within it and all you need is your [Todoist API Token](https://todoist.com/help/articles/find-your-api-token-Jpzx9IIlB) to run it. **Note** - It might be wise to test on a few trial tasks just to ensure it meets your expectations ahead of using on business–critical stuff. A lot of testing has taken place, but use at your own risk etc. Thanks for reading and I hope you find it useful. Cheers. You can find more of my [Todoist tips and tricks listed here](https://www.leightonprice.com#todoist) *** **[Go to www.leightonprice.com](https://www.leightonprice.com)** Buy Me A Coffee Ambassador